What is the Granfeel?

For Overseas Customers, Technicians, and Dealers
Thank you for visiting Granfeel website.
Granfeel Technology has invented and promoted in Japan since 2009.
We have the partnership with JAHN Pianoteile to promote Granfeel Technology since 2017.
JAHN Pianoteile locates in Coburg, Germany, to follow customers, technicians, and dealers in Europe area.
Piano tuners and technicians can be certified as a Granfeel Technician by finishing the Granfeel Retrofitting Coursework.
There are more than 150 Granfeel Technicians in Japan and some Technicians in Germany and Swiss.
Granfeel Technology is available in 2 ways.
●Pre-installed Granfeel Piano
We offer some range of pre-installed Granfeel pianos.
The high-end model like Bechstein Concert 8/Granfeel Technology or affordable model like Granfeel original piano.
●Retrofitting with Granfeel Parts Kit
Granfeel Technology is also available by retrofitting with Granfeel Parts Kit.
Granfeel Certified Technicians would upgrade your own upright piano.
Contact us;
1.To Import Pre-installed Granfeel Pianos
2.Retrofitting with Granfeel Parts Kit
3.To participate Granfeel Retrofitting coursework
We are looking for a distributor in North America, Asia, and Oceania for our Granfeel Technology.
Demo Play
Beautiful pianissimo to dynamic fortissimo,
Granfeel extend your range of expression.
Granfeel finally realizes “the touch” of grand pianos on upright pianos.
World’s first upright pianos with ability like grand pianos!
Now we get the grand touch on upright pianos.
Mr. Yukimitsu FUJII, inventor of Granfeel
“I invented because piano players needed it. Granfeel pianos inspire the unlimited potential of children.”
For players who love the piano and children, the pianists of the future.
“If I could, I would like to own and play a grand piano from the start…but it costs a lot, and it requires space.” We have heard many of such opinions from customers. Granfeel is our answer. We invented an upright piano with the capabilities of a grand piano to make their dream come true. Granfeel is for all players who love the piano and children who will lead the next generation. Yukimitsu Fujii, a master of piano, has been producing Granfeel pianos one by one meticulously by hand.
Background of “Granfeel”
Mr. Fujii started his career as a Repairperson. He broke down and put them up the European Pianos, day after day.
This experience inspired his sense of engineer. He became a piano tuner and listened to his
customers’ voice. Especially the children who faced the problem of the differences between upright pianos and grand pianos. He determined to overcome the difficulties of upright pianos. After the days of try and error…
The birth of “Granfeel”
The repetition mechanism for upright pianos invented in 2009 Finally!
Granfeel realizes the feeling of a grand piano with an upright piano.
You can play a Granfeel piano like a grand piano more expressively, with higher quality of sound and improved touch performance.
Effect of granfeel ①
Increased functionality
How much does it need a return of key to generate a next note?
Effect of granfeel ②
Enables Repeated Touch
Smooth trill and repeated touch in pianissimo
Effect of granfeel ③
Increased operability
Free and Easy Key Control. Comparison of the Weights.
Effect of granfeel ④
Higher Quality of Sound
Powerful, Gorgeous and Splendid Sound
東京芸術大学在学中に第 56 回日本音楽コンクール・ピアノ部門第 1 位、増沢賞・井口賞受賞。首席で卒業後、エコール・ノルマル/パリに留学。第 42 回ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクール第 3 位、リストエチュード賞受賞、リスト国際ピアノコンクール ( ブダペスト ) 第 2 位、第 23 回ロン=ティボー国際ピアノコンクール第 1 位受賞。J・フルネ、L・マゼール、M・プラッソン、小澤征爾/フィルハーモニア管、 ドレスデン・フィル他、国内外の指揮者、オーケストラと多数共演。また日本全国でのリサイタルや、 ベルリン・フィル・ヴィルトゥオーゾ、アンサンブル・ウィーン=ベルリンやヴァイオリンのG・プーレ、ヴィオラのG・コセ、W・クリスト、サクソフォンのC・ドゥラングル等との共演と、ソロに加え室内楽やデュオでも活躍している。
2015 年には、ロン=ティボー・クレスパン国際コンクールのピアノ部門審査員として招かれた。そのレパートリーはラヴェル、ドビュッシー等フランス作品のみならずモーツァルト、シューベルト、ブラームス、ラフマニノフ、プロコフィエフ等に及び、その演奏は繊細さと豪胆さとを兼ね備えている。
CDはこれまでに、「ラヴェル:ピアノ作品全集I・II」「月光」など、フォンテック、アウローラ・クラシカル等より 6 枚を発売。京都市立芸術大学准教授。名古屋音楽大学客員教授。
リーダートリオの2nd ALBUM「LIFE ABOVE DEE」、ボーカルとのデュオ「11-eleven」を発売。
Patented technique and Trademark.
April 2010, Patented in Japan
2010年7月26日 国際特許出願
2011年12月 ヨーロッパ 特許出願
April 2012, Trademark in Japan
September 2012, Trademark in Europe
November 2012, Trademark in the US
February 2013, Trademark in China
July 2013, Patented in China
February 2014, Patented in Hong Kong
September 2013, Patented in the US
February 2018, Issued a notice of allowance by EPO
October 2010, 第58回鹿児島県発明くふう展 鹿児島商工会議所会頭賞受賞
October 2014,~ 経営革新計画の承認(Kagoshima)
February 2013, 優良企業表彰(Satsumasendai-City)
July 2013,~ 新連携の認定(The Small and Medium Enterprises Agency.)
July 2013, ものづくり支援補助金(The Small and Medium Enterprises Agency.)
July 2013, 新たな事業分野の開拓の実施に係る認定(Kagoshima)
March 2014, 第39回発明大賞 日本発明振興協会会長賞受賞
October 2015, ものづくり日本大賞 内閣総理大臣賞受賞
February 2016, 職業奉仕賞(川内ロータリークラブ)
May 2016, はばたく中小企業・小規模事業者300社に選定(METI)
Product information
We have every kind of catalogue here.
●Catalogue Download
●Recommend Download
●Bi-fold brochure Japanese version Downlord
●Tri-fold brochure Japanese version Download
●Tri-fold brochure English version Download
●A4 brochure Download